
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mighty Joe Bong

Mighty Joe Bong is the biggest homemade bong we own. I call him our party bong. He can  accommodate up to 8 people (at least that's how many we have smoked with at one time). He hits at about an 11 on the scale of 1-10. Knection claims it is one of the hardest hitting single chambered bong he has used. Mighty Joe stands at 6 feet tall with all three extensions.  The picture to the left is with two of the 2 foot extensions and a McDonald's cup to enhance the hitting power. I prefer to use just the 2 foot single extension for smaller party's mainly because it takes someone with super lungs just to light this bong. I will have to get video of what it takes to light this bong when we purchase a new stem (ours exploded in Vegas).
Knection built this bong at the age of 16 out of his mother's broken humming bird feeder and some plastic tubing. It takes up to three people just to smoke out of this bong:
1. To light it with duel lighters
2. To hold the duel carbs on the plastic tubing
3. To take the rip and start the bowl.
After the bong is lit and started you can continue a bowl for at least 6-7 people hitting it twice, the eighth person usually caches the bowl on there second hit, or clears the chamber. We usually seal the base to the tubing with either wax or tape depending on what we have handy. If you don't seal it, it will leak. We always have a towel handy for leaks or spills, with a bong this size in my tiny apartment it will get knocked over at least twice.
We have also used the tubing for no touch shotgunning, and to give Chilli an extra buzz. She sticks her nose in one end and we blow in the other.
The biggest issue we seem to have with this bong is storage. It does come apart but in a tiny apartment with no storage space it tends to get knocked around a lot. It withstands some crazy shit though. I have tripped over it the day after and didn't even pop the tube off the base. Chilli has even drug it out from under the bed before trying to let us know that she would love to use Mighty Joe.

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