
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tobacco High

So I came across a video on youtube the other night. Now we all remember the first time we inhaled a cigarette, how it made you high for at least 15-30 minutes depending on how much of the cigarette you smoked. Well according to this guy you can hum while exhaling to create a lasting tobacco high. Now the issue I have with this is I don't smoke tobacco, like at all. I might have the occasional drag when I have either been smoking or drinking, but on general I stay far away from cigarettes and their evil spinning head highs. I truly dislike the high I experience when smoking tobacco, although many people enjoy it a great deal. So for their sake I have posted this to let old time smokers know how to still get that first cigarette high every time you smoke. Be warned don't do this in public you might look like a tool, but you will get high. Just watch the video for instructions. You can tell by the look on this guys face that he is indeed high after he finishes.
I put this to the test to see if it did indeed work, by purchasing a pack of cigarettes for my roommates to test this out on. They smoke on a daily basis at least 5-9 cigarettes a day depending on stress, and or social situations. I let Twitch try it first after the first long exhale he proclaimed excitedly that he was light headed. Knection was excited to try it and followed suit. He also felt the light headedness that Twitch was explaining. We tried it several more times with 3 more cigarettes allowing time between each one to come down off the tobacco high. It took them anywhere from 30-50 minutes to come down completely. Each time they experienced the same high. So this method does indeed work. I hope I have helped anyone who is in a dry spell or just enjoys smoking tobacco. Keeping smoking and toodles all.

1 comment:

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