
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The MacGyver Smoker

I will be adding a new section to my blog. I have recently become acquainted with what is known as a Macgyver Smoker. This man who I will call Knection can make a pipe or bong out of almost anything. Every time he makes a new smoking device I will post how he made it so that those at home who love smoking out of fun new things can follow along.

Today's pipe is called the Venom Pipe. It is made from a Venom Energy drink. As you can see we added some extra pieces from some of the other pipes we had laying around. We used the bowl from my amazing purple pipe and used the tubes for my long gone mini hookah. Two people can hit off this pipe at once, it doesn't hit as hard like that, but its still fun to have a truly social toke. When the secondary tube is used as a carb the pipe hits at about a 7 on a scale from 1-10. The first 3 hits tasted like the energy drink so it gave what we were smoking a fun and tangy flavor. I preffered hitting this pipe without the hookah tubes connected it hit at least 1 point higher, but there is always the danger of burnt eyelashes or eyebrows. Because this pipe is made out of metal it does heat up a little, we melted some plastic after we set it down to cool, but 6 people were smoking out of this pipe. If you don't have a bowl you can use you can make one out of tin foil, this is not recommended though. I myself don't like smoking out of tin foil. The best pipe you can buy is one you can take apart if you like creating new and improved pipes.
Alright if you have any questions go ahead and either leave me a comment or send me an email, make sure to put Macgyver Pipes int he subject line, otherwise I will pass it by thinking its spam. Alright folks keep toking and toodles.


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