
Monday, January 31, 2011

BlueBerry Legal Bud

I purchased a gram of BlueBerry from oddballstudio573, now at first I was a little skeptical because it looked like horse crap, and smelt like Juicy Jays blue berry drops. I have no idea what is in this stuff, but according to IO it's not a blend its a hybrid, ok then lets toke it up:
I rolled myself a blueberry joint, and went to hide in the pool area at my work. (I know I shouldn't be blazing up at work, but hey I am a much nicer person when I have something to smoke, and I get OCD and clean a bunch of crap) So my first hit was really harsh, it made my eyes water and my lungs burn I would rate it an 8. I started to feel the effects of this herb within the first two hits, I started to feel warm all over like in my toes and crap. After about the third or fourth hit I was feeling really relaxed, my eyes were zoning, and I was just content to sit and stair at random things. Now I noticed that it felt like my brain was zoning in on things, like as in when you really concentrate on something, except without the headache of concentration. I didn't finish my joint, because I didn't have to I was feeling great after about 2/3rds of it. Oh and I don't have a roach clip, so I didn't feel like getting burnt fingers. It has now been almost 30 minutes and I am still feeling the effects of this herb. I have some mild cotton mouth, but I don't have the munchies too bad. I am not feeling horny at all, I am just feeling really relaxed and well content to just sit here and look at the mountains out the window. Now something that I have not done before is eye checks, I have been asked to check my eyes while feeling the effects of whatever herb I am smoking, so as to see if it they are bloodshot and pupil dilation. On this herb my eyes are white, no veins in them at all, and the pupils are dilated at a normal size for the light that is around.
coming up on 45 mins and still feeling the effects nice and strong, my throat has started to get the googies in it, so I am coughing a little bit, but nothing too serious. And I am starting to get the munchies, which is a bad thing cause there is nothing munchie like to eat here, haha.  Alright about 50 mins into the high, my head is clearing I am less aft to stare at one thing, but rather I am getting bored, my body still feels like warm water is running through it, but my munchies were not munchies at all it's just dinner time. Anyway I better get back to work, and perhaps make something for dinner. Keep Blazing and toodles all.
Again I apologize for my lack of pictures, I left my camera at home. So as soon as i get home tonight I will upload a pic of this stuff.


  1. My experience with BlueBerry Legal Bud was very nice and leads you to be satisfied.
    Look for

  2. I would prefer herbal Incense online they are best in selling legal buds. They provide us the high quality products.

    Thanks for the sharing
