
Monday, January 31, 2011

Black O smoking resin

Ok so if you read my blog you know, I hate resin, I despise it and if I can help it I try not to smoke it. Now I got sample of this stuff called Black O from IO, when I ordered that Black Widow, I have been procrastinating smoking it, but tonight I decided I better get it out of the way because oddballstudio573 told me they would be selling it soon. Ok so I first i asked my mum how I should smoke it, some people prefer to mix resins, or put them on the end of a joint or cigarette. She suggested I roll it in a ball and just smoke it in my pipe. I was unable to roll it in a ball because it accidentally got squished in my laptop bag, so I just scraped it on the side and smoked it that way. Now the tiny dab of this stuff I smoked lasted maybe 3 good hits, the first hit I took I wasn't sure I had hit it I would honestly rate it maybe a 2, I was really surprised about how smooth this smoke was, and it didn't boil like most resins it had a nice thick white smoke. I started getting a buzz after the first hit the second hit I started to notice that far away feeling like the whole world started to just zone away. Third hit I could hear my mum talking, like it was the only thing in the world, but I didn't care what she was saying, but her voice was just mesmerizing. I can just imagine music on this stuff. This high lasted about 15 minutes for three hits worth of gunk...Awesome! I am so ordering more of this!
 Ok so I think I am in love with this Black O, and I will give a few other resins a try, only because I was honestly surprised and pleased with this solid smoke. Anyway I'm going to see if I can scrap the last of the squished Black O from its little baggy, so keep blazin and toodles all.
Oh and BTW sorry about not having a pic of this one, my camera is somewhere in my mum's truck and I don't feel like going out to get it.


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