
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mullein Leaf

Mullein Leaf aka Verbascum thapsu
Now something funny about this plant, as a child I used to play with the leafs from this plant saying they were towels for small critters, or large bugs, because the leaves of this plant have a fuzzy hair on them that protects the leaves so my step mother would tell me. to the touch of a hand they feel soft and fuzzy like a towel, but if you touch them to your face or other areas with more tender skin it feels like sand paper.
This plant is a biennial plant, meaning that it takes two years for this plant to completely grow up and produce seeds/flowers. Now in my Mullein, it is the leaves, so the plant that was used could have only been a year old, I am unsure, I prefer to not get to know the things I burn. Now the main uses for this plant are topical astringents, emollients, and they help a great number of skin issues. This herb is also good for treating coughs, or other related problems. According to The Herbal Smoke Cafe, this is one of the smoothest smokes they offer. So I was expecting a nice mild smoking experience out of this herb. Now there are no known effects of this herb that will give you a euphoric high of any sort, so why am I smoking this herb? Because all of my different smokes have fucked with my lungs, and if this herb is good for that, then hey this herb could be used even for our MM users. You can make a tea out of this herb, mix it with any of your favorite smoking herbs, or just smoke it alone to gain its benefits.
Effects of Smoking Mullein
Ok I didn't feel like rolling a joint, because I was pretty tired last night, so I packed the bowl of my favorite pipe, took a deep breath and took my first hit of Mullein.
I was surprised to find out Mullein is not a mild smoking experience in any way shape or form. My first hit almost choked me, I would rate this herb a 7! I was not expecting it to be as harsh so after I got done hacking my lungs out I took another hit. One thing I did notice was that as I coughed it did work as an expectorant, and the googies that I had been battling all week finally decided it was time to give me peace. I smoked the entire bowl, even though it made my lungs hurt. The next day however my lungs felt awesome. I could breath like I haven't breathed in a while, and I haven't hacked up any googies today. In fact I have coughed, but nothing like I had been, its a light dry cough. It felt almost like the only reason I was coughing was a force of habit. I do suggest that if you are having any issues with googies, or your lungs to give this herb a try. I think the burning I felt was it's way of doing a clean sweep on my lungs, so who knows maybe my tolerance has gone down, and I will have better smoking experiences thanks to Mullein leaf. I guess I will let everyone know tomorrow after I smoke the Panama Gold Legal bud I got this morning.
Alrighty thanks for reading, keep blazing, and toodles everyone


  1. I just started smoking mullein for asthma. If you don't take it in like a joint but smoke is like tobacco, then it is fairly mild. I am hoping it helps. By the way, marijuana helps my lungs the most - after one night of smoking, my asthma is better for days!

  2. herbal incense for sale said:

    Mullein Leaf smoking experience out of the herb incense.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Do you use dried mullein, or fresh mullein? And after you pick mullein, how do you keep it moist? Thank you!

  5. Use fresh grows here a lot in Wisconsin hit me up I can get u guys some

  6. Its only harsh if you smoke it direct to lung. It should be smoke mouth to lung like a cigarette not like a joint. It does give a very mild and short lasting buzz but i say again..mild. I smoke it at times for bronchial irritation.
