
Friday, March 11, 2011

Apple Thunder(phuk)

This is one of the flavor variations of Thunderphuk by Sampsonoodle on ebay. I was honestly going to add this entry to the main Thunderphuk post, but after I tried it, I decided this one needed a post all to itself.
When you order Thunderphuk, you can ask for certain flavors, or if you don't specify they will send you what ever they have in stock. I am not sure what other flavors they have, and if they are anything like Apple Thunder (as I call it). I decided to try this blend for the first time in my bong, because a bong makes everything smell good. This blend not only smells like apples, but taste like apples too. I would rate my initial hit at about a 4 or 5, it wasn't very harsh compared to the other Thunderphuk I had tried. When I exhaled I could taste the apple. Now the main reason I am giving this blend its own post, is because of how strong it is. I smoked about half a bowl, and then it hit me. It came on like a rolling tide, setting everything the whole world, into almost like an electric shock. I could feel any emotion I was having not only where ever it is that emotions feel, but in my toes and stomach too. It would start in my toes and make its way up through my body, it was like I was feeling the most intense emotion I had ever felt. I will be honest the first time I tried it, it scared the hell out of me. I thought I had taken too much. I had no way of understanding what I was feeling, because I had never felt anything like it. The next day a friend of mine came over and I mentioned what I had experienced to her, and she said it sounded almost like a meth trip. So I loaded another bowl and had her smoke some. She loved the apple flavor, and loved the way it hit. She felt it was almost too strong. She did confirm that the high she experienced was nothing like meth, so I have nothing to be worried about from that. I am against drugs that are associated with major dependency problems. After she came down all the way, we decided it was safe enough for both of us to try it this time to see if it hit just as hard each and every time. She loaded my purple pipe up with about three hits worth, she was the smart one, she knew it was a new drug so she did not try a whole freakin bowl, with this stuff you don't need a whole bowl. After smoking, we both experienced the exact same type of high we had the first time we tried this blend. I myself don't like being that high, I would have to call this blend Sampson's Private Reserve, because it was so strong. This blend is not for your everyday smoker, this blend is for special occasions. My friend said she felt like she was smoking Chronic. This is the strongest Spice I have ever smoked. I have dubbed this blend Apple Thunder, because I feel that it would make an awesome name for it. If you want to try this blend, click on Sampson's seller ID above and when you place your order ask for the Apple Thunder, you read about in this blog.
Alright Thats all folks, keep blazin and toodles. :-)
If you like spice so strong you can feel the Thunder, Apple Thunder is the spice for you.

So Last night I tried this blend again, to see if under a different setting this blend could be good. I was right, its the perfect herb for a nice quiet evening at home. I suggest watching the new Alice in Wonderland movie while smoking this blend.


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