
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thunderphuk Chronic Herbal Incense

 So during my recent ebay discovery of herbal incenses, I thought they didn't sell them on there, turns out I just wasn't looking hard enough. After I ordered a few different types I stumbled across Thunderphuk, I liked the name, because I could word play it and say "I'm gonna get Thunderphuked!" You can usually find this blend on ebay, just look for sampsonoodle.
 Now I wondered if this blend was actually going to do something so amazing to have a state of mind named after it...I was right. Smoking this blend is not like smoking traditional spice, for one it smells amazing, its got a sickly almost skunky sweet smell to it. Most spices are made just from Damania, because its a good smoke by itself, and it covers well when you are mixing in the special ingredients. I couldn't tell for sure if it's main herb was mullein leaf or mugwort, it had a clingy consistency to it much like mullein, and it hits hard. I would rate my first hit at an 8, it was a refreshing burn to that of say mullein leaf by itself, it didn't just burn it burned and then began to thunderphuk me like I had never been phuked before. This is a hard hitting, fast acting blend. And the flavor, its not like the hubba bubba bubblegum, but skunkier

 I used a bong, a pipe just doesn't do justice to the flavor, and that first hit will probably kill you out of a pipe. I had almost rolled this one into a joint, but I wanted to break in my new bong. I would highly recommend if you like a good herbal blend, and also like the effects of spice, to try this herb. Oh and if you mention me, I will get free samples sent to me, so don't forget to mention this blog. I would also suggest you smoke this herb in a water pipe of some sort or a vaporizer. I absolutely love this blend, it does not lose its potency like some of the herbal spices either. At one point during my evening I almost forgot I wasn't smoking cannabis. This blend is the closest blend I have found to the flavor and proper potency.
 Alrighty so keep blazing and toodles all.


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