
Monday, February 28, 2011

Clove Mamba

I have been honestly saving this gram of Mamba spice for last, because I don't like the flavor of cloves. They make my throat go numb, and leave a bad taste in my mouth. Now my brother loves cloves, because of that numbing effect, he says it numbs the bad taste out and he can taste the flavor of whatever he is smoking ten times better. Alright so to try to avoid the flavor I am using my mini hookah, because the water helps filter out some of the flavor. I honestly don't even like how this one smells when it burns, to me it smells like grandma's kitchen, clove and old person. My first hit I would rate at about a 4, I could feel the cloves numbing my throat and lungs, and the horrid flavor of the clove itself was burning on my tongue. Now it took me a good 3-4 hits before I even started to feel the effects of the incense I was too concerned about the numbing effects of the cloves. To me this is a very weak blend, it did not last as long as some of the other mamba's, and it did not hit as hard either. I myself did not like this blend, and I will not be trying it again, in fact I probably won't even smoke the whole gram. I feel that it has too much cloves in it, if they had not added so much I think this blend could be enjoyable, perhaps with the right mixture of herbs cloves could be awesome. I suppose I will look into clove mixtures, that way I can at least say I tried.
If you know any way that can make cloves enjoyable, or if you know of a good herbal mixture featuring cloves, I would love to hear about it, and even give it a try.
 Alright well keep blazin, and toodles all.


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