
Friday, January 28, 2011


I will not be able to do postings on spice, as of January 26, 2011 Spice is now illegal in my state. YES they now have a test that can test for a few of the synthetic cannabinoids, so don't believe them when they say oh they can't test you for this.
Now back when I smoked spice, before it was illegal in Iron county, I had heard of some idiot kids putting the spice in one of those candle heaters and purifying the synthetic THC's, this is not a good idea almost every kid ended up in the hospital with either heart failure, or erratic heart beats. This synthetic THC is over 800 times as powerful as real THC, That is why they add a little bit to some other herb like Damania. But people are concerned over whether this new designer drug, is safe or even ethical. NO god did not make this drug, but even the drugs god did make, are supposedly "unsafe" In my opinion cigarettes are not safe, but people keep buying them. If addiction is such a problem in this country why doesn't the government look at the real "bad guys"? No I have nothing against tobacco users, but I have everything against tobacco companies. At least the companies that add all that nasty tar and crap to make a cigarette with a filter. They tell people the filters help the cigarette and make them safer, but if you have ever used one of those plastic filters, you know it's not true you can see all the nasty gunk you are putting into your body.  But its the same with anything you smoke, that is another reason why I do not like smoking resin. When I first started smoking cigarettes, I did it because it got me high, not because it was like shoving my finger up the noses of my parents, or to evens stick it to my ex husband (even though thats what I said it was for). I smoked them because they gave me a euphoric high unlike anything I had yet to discover. I was 16 at the time, it was before I had officially ever tried marijuana, or even before I had gotten into my pill popper stage. To me that little cancer stick was a statement of look at me bitches, and theres nothing you can do about it. Which for those who know the legal age to smoke is 19 in Utah I could have gotten a tobacco ticket, but I didn't care. About 2 weeks into smoking I started to become immune to the feeling of euphoria I got from smoking tobacco, so I quit cold turkey just threw my pack out and said fuck it. I have picked up the dirty habit a few other times in my life, right after I got my ticket I bought a pack so as to ease my desire to kill myself slowly with smoke, but as soon as the pack was gone, I quit again. All I am saying is if spice is soo bad because man added his own little designs to it, then why aren't cigarettes? In all honestly everyone I know started smoking cigarettes, before they smoked pot. To me it appears that cigarettes are the "gateway" drug.
Spice in my eyes is not bad, it's clever. It was a way of saying "Look what you have done! You take away our rights and we will find a different way to do it!" Anyway I have to go shovel dog shit now, so keep blazing and toodles all.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I am agree with you that smoking spice incense or tobacco or something is unsaFE but we can't force anybody to avoid or stop because it dangerous it is up to an individual either to sop or continue harming themselves. Am I right?
