
Thursday, January 27, 2011

How high is perfect?

So the very first time I ever got really, really high as in it felt like the only thing that mattered was in the room I was in. I was in such a zone that even talking seemed like too much work. This high was the first time I had ever gotten the giggles as I call it, where you are laughing at something that just ins't that funny, but you can't stop laughing. To me it terrified me I thought I was dying! I thought I was having an allergic reaction because it was the most intense feeling I had ever had. Funny thing is I was not high off marijuana, I was high off spice. This was also the first time I had ever smoked spice. I hated it I hated it so bad that I never wanted to smoke spice again. I had decided that I was only going to smoke spice maybe once in a great while. It took 2 hours for the spice high to wear off, my ex boyfriend at the time called it getting spiced. I will call any spice high I post on here as spiced because that is exactly what it is. I tried spice two other times after this initial spice session, every time it was the exact same scary as hell. I wasn't sure if this was what was supposed to happen or if I was having an allergic reaction. See I had smoked pot before, not many times before like maybe 4 times total, but the high was nothing like my first spice high. See my issue was I had never inhaled before, so I had never technically been "high". After I broke up with my ex spice head boyfriend I decided spice was dumb and I was going to go back to smoking pot. The first time I had actually been high on marijuana, was exactly like a spice high, I was surprised to be honest and amused. I was still scared shitless, but I was starting to enjoy myself. The reason I was so scared was because I was on my way to Vegas with someone who thought he was speed racer in the Gorge. Now for those of you who don't know what the Gorge is its an extremely winded, crazy, 55 MPH speed limit zone road with lots of cliffs and cement barriers. The Gorge scares the hell out of me when I am sober imagine going through there stoned, going 90! So my technical first marijuana high should have scared me away from ever smoking pot again, but hell I'm stubborn. That initiated the next 6 months of my life before I got busted for possession.
Now back to the original thought for this blog, how high is perfect? I want to be that first spice high, or close to it. I have never achieved this type of high with anything but Spice, or really good Kush or Kronic. This is the high I am looking for in other non man-fucked herbs. I know the only herb that will have this type of high is marijuana, but I want the public to see the stupid things I smoke in search for the cannabis like high. I want the government to say kids are so dumb they will smoke herbs that may be harmful to their health to get around marijuana laws, so that they can see that the laws are not benefiting anyone, especially the dumb youth of America who will put their health on the line just to find a state of enlightenment.

1 comment:

  1. :) that effect was commonly the results of using incense, you didn't even know why you laughing.
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