
Thursday, January 27, 2011


Damania aka Turnera Diffusa

Damania is a known aphrodesiac, and is said to relax the central nervious system.
In Mexico they use it in some Margaritas, and was said to be used in the "first" Margarita.
Damania is used in almost every herbal blend I have tried so far.
I first heard of Damania when I first started smoking spice, Damania is usually the main ingrediant for spice blends. Little did I know at the time that there was HU-210, aka synthetic THC in spice so I assumed it was the Damania that was getting me high. Well since I started studying why the county over from mine made it illegal, I decided to try pure unlaced Damania to see if the effects of spice are also influenced by this herb. I ordered mine from ebay:, but you can also find it in most head shops, or even some health food stores, or at The Herbal Smoke Cafe is a really good place to get some idea on what other people are smoking, but I sell things on ebay so using paypal to buy my herbs is just easier for me. And it seems alot cheaper in some cases. Ok so the link I pasted from ebay, shipped within about a week and a half.
Effects Of Damania
Ok so I used my lovely purple pipe to smoke this herb for the first time.
My first hit was really harsh to be honest I would have rated it a 6, which for anyone who has read any of my other posts, that is the highest rating I have given so far. But that 6 soon turned to awesome, it tasted exactly like spice, well duh! Ok so I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but hey most people say I'm cool, anyway I started feeling the effects within 3 hits. I felt happy and spinny I guess. This initial happy feeling turned to hyperness within 15 mins and 2 more hits. After about 15 more minutes of hyper-happiness I started to come down to a relaxed kinda horny/hungry stage. So yes this herb does make you horny and does increase sensation. It does not make food as awesome as some cannibis does, but hey it does give you an appatite. I would say I really like this herb in fact I am planning on smoking it alot more. It is currently my favorite herb. I would say yes try this herb cause it's awesome and it might get you lucky.


  1. I'm wanting to experience DMT next, thanks for posting. You should post your blogs over on too.

    Most of these spices are going to become federal illegal within the end of this year. HU-210 is suppose to be far more potent actually 100 to 800 times more potent than natural THC from cannabis.

    Damania was used by the Aztecs for impotency and Mexican women were also known to use the fragrant leaves in a tea to stimulate love making. The Damiana plant is so important that it has been classified in Mexico as a “national treasure” and now a prohibited export as a live plant.

    Next time I would recommend you to brew the herb into a tea and to consume it, you will get a far better euphoric outcome.
    Many people have reported that damiana has changed their lives. For not only is it an aphrodisiac tea, it is also a proven natural anti-depressant and a calming tonic. It is also useful in weaning smokers off cannabis and/or tobacco.

    Damiana as a tea is a tonic for the kidneys, the sexual organs and the nervous system. It is excellent at balancing the hormones and the emotions. The effect of this tea is definitely more noticeable when one is feeling down, out of sorts, grumpy, angry or upset, giving one an immediate and natural feeling of well-being. Many have used damiana to treat depression. Some have never felt the miserable pangs of depression ever again!

    Many women have noticed that symptoms of premenstrual tension (PMT) as well as menopause, disappear with regular use of damiana (i.e. two or three cups per week).

    For those wishing to experiment with the aphrodisiac side of Damiana, try drinking 2 cups of strong Damiana tea (one tablespoon/cup sweetened with honey) each day for a maximum of 2 weeks. One 69 year old man wrote that he enjoyed love making three times each night with his much younger lover and that the drinking of this tea ‘made him more attractive to the ladies’.

    One teaspoon of Damiana herb in a pot of hot water makes quite a fragrant, pleasant-tasting tea that everyone will enjoy. The drinking of Damiana tea easily replaces alcohol for social occasions and many have reported that they desire less alcohol after drinking Damiana. All in all, used appropriately as a pleasant tea or as a smoking medium for an alternative high, Damiana is one of the most versatile, safe and effective herbs for general well being, health and enjoyment.

  2. This Damania aka Turnera Diffusa was very helpful for satisfying your imagination. If I would rate it, for it as 6 but for me it was great.
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