
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Bulldog

All Hail the Great Bulldog of Amsterdam!

I first purchased The Bulldog because an old family friend told me it would get me high, not unlike weed. They told me it wouldnt last as long but it was alot like weed. So I went to the local head shop in Cedar and there it was! You can find yours at
The packaging states:
"This is the herbal version of the world-renowned Bulldog coffeehouse blend. Its rich and robust flavor embodies everything important to Holland's coffeehouse experiance.
This blend may contain the following: Spearmint Leaf, Juniper Berries, Damiana, Wild Lettuce, Mad Dog Weed, California Poppy, Mugwort and Red Raspberry leaf for flavor.
Best if used before bedtime to relax the body and mind and bring forth calming dreams."
Now most of these ingrediants I have already looked up so I will go over them for you noobs.
Spearmint Leaf
Up to my knowledge this herb is just used for flavor, but I have yet to try it so I won't rule anything out.
Juniper Berries
According to Wiki This ingrediant is also used to give the smoke a robust flavor. It's used in seasoning in some countries.
This herb is a natural aphrodisiac and is known to give users an overall sense of well being.
Wild Lettuce aka Lopium aka Lettuce opium
This herb has psycoactive properties, and is a milder form of opium.
Mad Dog Weed
I am still unsure why they put this in herbal blends, there are no recorded side effects on the internet, I will probly just have to get some to find out.
California Poppy
This herb acts as a mild sedative to users.
This plant is most commonly used in witchcraft to help inhance visions, or astral projection. This plant is what is know for giving users intense dreaming experiances.
Red Rasberry Leaf
This herb is used for flavor and is a mild sadative.
Effects of Bulldog
Ok back before I used to get high every day, back before I would have ever dreamed of calling myself a pothead, this herbal blend used to get me high. Now however it just makes me feel calm and well giggly. I would rate this herb at about a 5, for harshness. This herb did give me the munchies, but did not make me horny. I felt more apt to either play video games, or just sorta zone. I don't really care for the flavor of this blend, but I have smoked worse. My mum did think it was marijuana, by the smell of it as it burned though. I honestly couldn't tell, to me it smelt more like burning spice. The high I got off this herb only lasted about, 15-20 mins off one joint. This blend did not give me a headache after it wore off though, so I was pleased with that. I would suggest this herb to any light smoker who wants to get high legally, but for those of us who are used to "the good shit" this herb does not compare. I'm sure I will smoke it again eventually, but not as my first choice.


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