
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Siberian Motherwort aka Leonurus Sibiricus

Commonly known as Honeyweed. Alkaloids isolated from the plant include:
Stachydrine I first heard about this herb while googling information on spice. I have owned an ounce of this herb for about four months or more, but I just had not gotten to actually trying it. So the other night I was chilling with my two favorite lesbians and their couch dweller. We were sitting around reminiscing on the old days when smoking pot was not such a big deal. We started wishing that we had something, well anything to smoke that had a marijuana like high. I remembered reading that this herb was an inebriant and users had experienced a marijuana like high. It contains some of the same alkaloids that are found in pot, but in lower doses. We loaded up my purple pipe and passed it around till it was burnt. I felt a slight head high, but it was more like the endorphin just from inhaling some form of smoke. The couch dweller who has a very low tolerance for smoke-able fun said he felt high. Neither of the two lesbians said they felt any different than smoking a cigarette. I am sure if I extract the alkaloids from this herb it would give us a marijuana like high, but when smoked alone there are just not enough alkaloids to cause more than just a light head. The herb does mix well with most other herbs, but when smoked alone it doesn't taste all that awesome. Anyway, we are going to blaze one something real tonight, so happy blazes and toodles all.

1 comment:

  1. Siberian Motherwort looks so interesting and it was really nice for giving nice effects. I checked wholesale incense and it was having various herbal incenses.
