
Monday, March 7, 2011

Frontal Lobe Spice

I purchased this blend from oddballstudio on ebay about a month and a half ago, but I had misplaced it in the black hole a.k.a my room. So the other day I happened upon it, and loaded myself a bowl. As you can see from the picture, it has too many sticks to roll a joint, and I am really into my bong, so I have been smoking everything in it. To me this blend smells like it has motherwort in it, now it could be Siberian Motherwort, because according to google Siberian Motherwort will give a user a euphoric high much like cannabis. It's on the legislation to be banned, so this makes me kinda optimistic, since I have never tried Siberian Motherwort, I have tried regular Motherwort, and personally I think it tasted terrible. It smelt bad being burnt and gave me a headache. This blend could have turned out awesome, or horrible. Alright so I loaded myself a big ole bowl and took my first hit. It must just be regular motherwort it tasted the exact same, and hit almost the same. I would rate that initial hit at about a 5, the only thing that made me cough was the taste, the smoke was not that harsh. After about half a bowl and nothing was happening, I decided to scrap the bowl and save my poor lungs from any more abuse. I honestly did not like this blend, it had too much motherwort in it. I am now looking for some siberian motherwort, that way I can see if what they say is true. It should be here in time for the weekend. If you like motherwort this is a great blend, but I personaly did not like it. The only head change or change in anything I got was a headache.
Alright well keep an eye out for my Siberian Motherwort review, and keep on blazin. Toodles

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