
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wild Lettuce

Wild Lettuce aka Lactuca Virosa aka Lopium aka Lettuce Opium

So this herb is said to have the same effects or similar effects as Opium. Even though this herb contains no opiates. Most sleep aiding blends contain this herb. Its uses include sleep aids, relaxants, or just to make you feel good. There is an extract you can make with this herb, I will be looking into it of course, but for now the effects of smoking this herb on it's own will suffice. You can also add the oils that are made from this plant to tea to help induce sleep as well.
I ordered my Lopium from ebay but you can find yours at The Herbal Smoke Cafe. My first impression of this herb was horse hay. It smelt very similar to freshly bailed hay. It has a very pleasing aroma, well to me anyway. I first attempted to load my purple pipe, but the herb doesn't burn like some herbs, it plugged up my pipe whithin the first hit, I couldn't smoke it in a pipe. So I pulled out the old trusty roller. Ok so with the joint, I could actually get a real hit. My first hit burned at about a 5. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't all that good either. If you have ever smelt burning weeds, like when they do controled burns to get rid of the dead weeds, that's what this herb smelt like when it burned. I liked it, but chille didn't think it was all that awesome. Within three hits I started to feel very relaxed, not high but just relaxed. I was completely content to just watch the joint burn, something I noticed while I watched it burn, is this herb burns weird like blue, and it tip of my joint looked like someone stuck a mini firecracker in it.

 Chille was already sleeping next to me, so it is a good sleep aid. After about an hour, I started to feel the effects slow wear off. So It was off to bed while I still felt tired. There was no red eye associated with smoking this herb, I was not hungry or horny. I was just tired and relaxed. I highly suggest this herb to anyone who has trouble relaxing, or who just wants to relax with a great smelling smoke. I will be smoking this herb more often and even mixing it with some other herbs to enjoy more of its benefits.

Here is some more reading for those of you interested in learning more about Wild Lettuce:
  Alright readers thanks for reading and keep on blazing toodles all.

1 comment:

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