
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mango Mamba

Brought to you from the makers of Black Mamba Spice
 This incense blend has some flavor added to it to make it especially yummy. I think it smells awesome, but taste like crap.

As you can see this blend has a very distinct color, well it is flavored. Now many consumers are saying I'm not going to smoke that its not a natural color, well let me ask you this:
Have you ever used the Juicy Jays drops to add extra flavor to anything you have ever smoked?
what is the difference? for all I know the flavoring in this blend IS Juicy Jays, now don't quote me on that, because I honestly have no idea that was merely a speculation.
Alright this herb does smell like a little cup of mango-e goodness. I myself do not even like mangos so this
is really trying something new for me. I loaded my awesome new mini Hookah and took my first hit:
It wasn't harsh at all it felt more like a smooth piece of gooey mango had slid down my wind pipe, and nestled itself into my lungs like it owned the place. I released and immediately started to feel a head change. I would rate my first hit at a 2, even though the aftertaste of mango was not in my opinion all that awesome. But again I don't even like mango, so maybe to someone else who likes mango this could be a very yummy blend. Ok as I continued to smoke this herb, three hits along I am thinking to myself well this is a crappy head change, not because the head change was light, but because it was not as heavy as I am used to for spice. So I took another big hit and then the mango hit me. I must have smoked too much or something because that was almost the worst spice trip I have ever been on. I couldn't stop shaking, I couldn't focus on anything at all, I was hot then cold and couldn't find a comfortable medium. I started to hallucinate. I could see the carpet moving and it was freaking me out, because the earth is not supposed to move like that.. So after about 15 minutes of this I said screw this and started eating, not because I had the munchies, but because I know the easiest way to sober up is to eat something.
After I had eaten a few things I was able to bring the high back to a tolerable state. In this state things were really fluttery and just mellow. I could look at something beautiful for almost 20 minutes without blinking. This high lasted about an hour, before it started to wear off and I started to get a headache.
So all together the entire high off Mango Mamba lasted 2 hours. I'm pretty sure my eyes were really red, because someone asked if I had been crying. I myself would suggest this herb in moderation to anyone who likes mango. I myself will not be trying this herb again, because I do not like mango.

1 comment:

  1. Mango Mamba looks very interesting. Thanks for publishing this post. I buy Wholesale herbal incense for more variety of incenses.
