
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Salvia Divinorum (or so I thought This is actually Salvia O)

I first purchased an ounce of Salvia at a head shop in a town about 56 miles away from where I live. Why so far you ask, well its the closest place with a head shop. Now I had only ever heard rumors about salvia when I made my purchase, I had no idea what it was going to do nor had I any clue what it even was. So being a smart blazer I googled it,, I have to say Wikipedia is becoming my new best friend. In general what I learned about Salvia is:
1. you can smoke it (the head shop sold it as incense)
2. It is called the diviners herb, meaning it will make you hallucinate
3. Salvia is a genus name for Sage, so not any Salvia will do, make sure when you purchase Salvia it clearly states Salvia Divinorum on the packaging, otherwise you could be purchasing Sagebrush.
Now I had to work that day so being a smart blazer I put the salvia up till I got off work. While at work I decided to look up on youtube, effects of Salvia, Here are some of my favorite videos:
As you can see from this video Salvia is not for the faint of heart, make sure you film your first time of Salvia Divinorum, and always post it on youtube if its funny.
Now so far in all the videos i have watched I have noticed everyone is hitting Salvia from a bong, this makes me wonder if this is the best way to hit it, I note to myself that I need to make a bong because I am not driving 56 miles to buy one that night. I have also noticed that all of the videos I have watched so far Salvia is not a good trip, so this explains why Salvia is not as popular as marijuana.
The last video is kinda long, but it was super funny in the end. So as of now I am really excited to try Salvia for the first time. Most people would watch the above videos and think dude I'm not trying this shit no fuckin way, but I just spent some of my hard earned money on it so I will try it at least once.
As soon as I got home I called Duece over, so I wouldn't have to trip alone, nothing is worse than trippin alone. I also purchased my first herb grinder, because the Salvia I bought was in dried leaf form
After grinding it into a chunky powder, I loaded the bowl of my favorite purple pipe, took a deep breath exhaled all the way and took my first hit of Salvia...It tasted Horrible! Like smoking something a horse shit out, it didn't make me cough, hell it didn't even make Blake cough, after smoking the whole bowl which for my pipe is about 4-5 hits a peice, neither of us felt anything to what the people in the videos were feeling. There was a head change, but that was about it, I thought hmmm...maybe we weren't hitting it hard enough, so I created our redneck bong.
our franken-bong was created with my purple pipe, duct Tape (because duct tape fixes anything) and a Coke bottle. Now this is when I found out my pipe does not do water, so we had to keep a towel under it so as to keep it from getting everything wet. After a bowl from the franken-bong, we were able to eliminate the bad taste, but still not high like the people in the videos, all I got was a headache. So we gave up on trying to get high off of the Salvia I bought. I made one major mistake when I purchased it...I did not fully read the label. What I had purchased was just Salvia, which could be any number of plants. My Salvia looked nothing like the above picture of salvia leaves, mine looked more like the crap you pull out of a rain gutter. So as soon as I get paid again I will go online and find some real Salvia Divinorum, and I will actually have a real bong. Sadly Franken-bong was dismembered to release my pipe, so I could smoke something else. I will repost as soon as the Salvia divinorum gets here in the mail. Till then keep blazin, and send me some funny videos of you or your friends smoking Salvia Divinorum for the first time.


  1. Salvia divinorum also known as diviners sage a powerful psychedelic plant from the wilds of Mexico. Typically chewed or smoked, Salvia Divinorum is becoming quite the popular little plant with psychonauts the world over.

    Salvia Divinorum was first discovered in the late 1930's by a group of anthropologists studying medicinal and magical cures in Mexico. During their time in the Mazateca region they observed and cataloged many magical plants and remedies, bringing several back to the States to study. Among their discoveries were the use of morning glory seed, several varieties of mushroom and black nightshade. The plant was rediscovered in the early 1990's by the global underground psychedelic culture and has seen some use and (in)fame(y) in recent years.

    Salvia is what is normally called a 'strong psychedelic'. When smoked, Salvia has an onset time of about 20 seconds to two minutes. Peak experiences will usually be achieved within this time, but depending on the size of the dose and the individual, peaks can take up to 5 minutes to occur. The primary effects of the drug last anywhere from 5- 15 minutes during which the user goes through a 'psychedelic' experience. Psychedelic experiences can normally include closed and open eye visualizations, time distortion, social dissociation, altered thought patterns, altered behavior, dreamlike/childlike states, increased in sensations, changes in body temperature, senses of fear or panic, increased perspiration, introspection, feelings of presences outside the norm as well as feeling like oe has traveled 'somewhere' or 'somewhen' else. Salvia unlike many psychedelic tends to have a much shorter duration with 'long' trips tending to last a little under an hour, although some after effects may be felt up to an additional hour later.

    As with all psychedelics, the effects of Salvia are largely dependant on the dosage, individual and often the environment. Further as Salvinorin-A does not currently appear to have a 'tolerance' effect, multiple uses of the drug can extend or amplify an episode. Always have a sober sitter and know your limits. Further, if you have a history of mental illness in your family, extreme caution should be used.

    Salvia is most commonly found in leaf(dried) or extract form. Typical dosage is determined by the type and strength of Salvia that you are choosing to do as well as by the method that you are taking it.

    Dried leaves are typically smoked and it is hard to determine in advance how potent the leaf is. Leaves tend to have a lesser effect than extracts as extracts are concentrated Salvinorum- A.

    Dosage for smoking an average potency leaf is as follows: Light: 1/4 of a gram to 1/2 a gram. Medium: 1/2 - 3/4 gram Heavy: 3/4 gram or more.

    Please do remember that your body will not normally build up a tolerance to Salvinorum- A and that you should moderate your doses if you plan on doing more than one in a sitting.

    Leaves can also be chewed similar to chewing tabac with dried leaves being moistened in water before chewing. The leaves are kept between the lip and the gum to increase absorption and the juices are swallowed.

    Typical dosage for chewed leaves:

    light: 10 g fresh/ 2 grams dried Medium: 30 g fresh/ 6 g dried Heavy: 50 g fresh / 10 g dried

    Extracts are a little different. Typical extracts come in 5x 10x 15x and 20x potencies. This is refined Salvinorum -A - A and will have a bit more kick than your typical dried leaf.

    Dosage for smoking typical 5x extract:

    Light: 1/20 to 1/10th of a gram Medium: 1/15th to 1/6th of a gram Heavy: 1/8th to 1/4 of a gram.

  2. Salvia is most commonly found in leaf(dried) or extract form. Typical dosage is determined by the type and strength of Salvia that you are choosing to do as well as by the method that you are taking it.Check for .

  3. Informative post! Thank you for sharing it. Salvia is available in salvia 10x, salvia 20x, salvia 40x, salvia 60x extracts. Explore the internet to buy salvia online as now companies deliver salvia world wide.
