
I am doing this blog, so that anyone who wants to try a new herbal blend, can hopefully find it on my blog, and read a little about it first. The reason for the recent legislation on herbal incense and spice, is because people have no idea what to expect from some of the stronger blends. I would like to help make that fear less scary. I consider myself a pioneer of herbal exploration. Yes others have come before me, but what is right for one person is not always right for another person. My blogs are unbiased, if I don't like something that I have tried I will post an accurate portrayal as to why I didn't like it. I hope you enjoy my blog, and if you feel I need to add something, or if you have any questions feel free to either email me at, or just leave a me a comment. Alright folks keep blazing and thanks for reading. :-)

Monday, January 31, 2011

BlueBerry Legal Bud

I purchased a gram of BlueBerry from oddballstudio573, now at first I was a little skeptical because it looked like horse crap, and smelt like Juicy Jays blue berry drops. I have no idea what is in this stuff, but according to IO it's not a blend its a hybrid, ok then lets toke it up:
I rolled myself a blueberry joint, and went to hide in the pool area at my work. (I know I shouldn't be blazing up at work, but hey I am a much nicer person when I have something to smoke, and I get OCD and clean a bunch of crap) So my first hit was really harsh, it made my eyes water and my lungs burn I would rate it an 8. I started to feel the effects of this herb within the first two hits, I started to feel warm all over like in my toes and crap. After about the third or fourth hit I was feeling really relaxed, my eyes were zoning, and I was just content to sit and stair at random things. Now I noticed that it felt like my brain was zoning in on things, like as in when you really concentrate on something, except without the headache of concentration. I didn't finish my joint, because I didn't have to I was feeling great after about 2/3rds of it. Oh and I don't have a roach clip, so I didn't feel like getting burnt fingers. It has now been almost 30 minutes and I am still feeling the effects of this herb. I have some mild cotton mouth, but I don't have the munchies too bad. I am not feeling horny at all, I am just feeling really relaxed and well content to just sit here and look at the mountains out the window. Now something that I have not done before is eye checks, I have been asked to check my eyes while feeling the effects of whatever herb I am smoking, so as to see if it they are bloodshot and pupil dilation. On this herb my eyes are white, no veins in them at all, and the pupils are dilated at a normal size for the light that is around.
coming up on 45 mins and still feeling the effects nice and strong, my throat has started to get the googies in it, so I am coughing a little bit, but nothing too serious. And I am starting to get the munchies, which is a bad thing cause there is nothing munchie like to eat here, haha.  Alright about 50 mins into the high, my head is clearing I am less aft to stare at one thing, but rather I am getting bored, my body still feels like warm water is running through it, but my munchies were not munchies at all it's just dinner time. Anyway I better get back to work, and perhaps make something for dinner. Keep Blazing and toodles all.
Again I apologize for my lack of pictures, I left my camera at home. So as soon as i get home tonight I will upload a pic of this stuff.

Black O smoking resin

Ok so if you read my blog you know, I hate resin, I despise it and if I can help it I try not to smoke it. Now I got sample of this stuff called Black O from IO, when I ordered that Black Widow, I have been procrastinating smoking it, but tonight I decided I better get it out of the way because oddballstudio573 told me they would be selling it soon. Ok so I first i asked my mum how I should smoke it, some people prefer to mix resins, or put them on the end of a joint or cigarette. She suggested I roll it in a ball and just smoke it in my pipe. I was unable to roll it in a ball because it accidentally got squished in my laptop bag, so I just scraped it on the side and smoked it that way. Now the tiny dab of this stuff I smoked lasted maybe 3 good hits, the first hit I took I wasn't sure I had hit it I would honestly rate it maybe a 2, I was really surprised about how smooth this smoke was, and it didn't boil like most resins it had a nice thick white smoke. I started getting a buzz after the first hit the second hit I started to notice that far away feeling like the whole world started to just zone away. Third hit I could hear my mum talking, like it was the only thing in the world, but I didn't care what she was saying, but her voice was just mesmerizing. I can just imagine music on this stuff. This high lasted about 15 minutes for three hits worth of gunk...Awesome! I am so ordering more of this!
 Ok so I think I am in love with this Black O, and I will give a few other resins a try, only because I was honestly surprised and pleased with this solid smoke. Anyway I'm going to see if I can scrap the last of the squished Black O from its little baggy, so keep blazin and toodles all.
Oh and BTW sorry about not having a pic of this one, my camera is somewhere in my mum's truck and I don't feel like going out to get it.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hops Buds

Hops flowers aka Humulus

Hops are found in the Canabea family, meaning they are related to Cannibis (Oh Happy Day).
As most of us cultured people know hops are used in the making of beer, so what are the effects when you smoke it you ask? Well according to The Herbal Smoke Cafe
"Many of our customers love smoking Hops! Hops plants are usually tall and can grow as much as 22 feet! As everyone pretty much knows Hops is primarily used in the production of  alchoholic beverages.  It can also be made into tea and smoked as well."
So seeing as how hops are so well loved as an herbal smoke, and they are related to cannabis, I had to order some. I got mine on ebay It's nice and cheap, and I bought it with some left over paypal money.
Effects of Smoking Hops Buds
Ok first thing I noticed when I opened my package, it smelt like dirty socks (yuck). My first thought was ew everything about beer just stinks. Ok so I am still going to give this herb a try even though my instincts generally tell me don't smoke anything that smells like a men's locker room. I loaded one bud into my lovely Purple Pipe, it was flaky to say the least I didnt want to crush it because I was afraid if I did it would pull through, and nothing is worse than having pipe poop in your mouth. My first hit was really harsh, not enough to make me cough but enough to make me exhale almost as fast as I inhaled I would rate it a 7. I started feeling the effects of this herb immediatly after the first hit. I felt dizzy and my face started to heat up. Much like when you start getting a buzz from drinking, but as I smoked more of this herb I began to feel relaxed with a hint of a headache. I did not get the munchies off this herb, in fact I didn't even want to look at food while smoking this herb. I did get a little horny, but nothing like Damania. I would say try this herb if you want to try something new, but it does not give you that melting butter sensation its illegal cousin is so well loved for. I will try crushing this herb just a little, but not too much and smoke it again, but I'm not sure if this herb will be repeat very often. I did wake up with a hangover the next day. I did not however have what I like to call ashtray mouth, like I get after smoking most herbs before bed. And this herb did not have a foul taste when I smoked it. It smelt the most like weed that I have smelt since smoking weed however, so be careful where you blaze up when smoking this herb.
Ok I ran a couple of buds through my herb grinder, and packed a bowl. It wasn't as harsh this way, and I started feeling the effects off the first hit. this time however it was a "clear head high", meaning I could feel the high, but I did not feel any head change. I played video games on this smoke, and it seemed to me to be more vivid than usual, so that was awesome, but other than the awesome visuals, and the slight head change whenever I took a hit, there was really nothing to smoking hops. They smell like dirty feet, and taste kinda sweet, but did not get me all that high. If you have anything you want to add to this blog, or if you want to post your own experiences while smoking this herb feel free to comment. Thanks for reading, and keep blazing toodles all.

Friday, January 28, 2011


I will not be able to do postings on spice, as of January 26, 2011 Spice is now illegal in my state. YES they now have a test that can test for a few of the synthetic cannabinoids, so don't believe them when they say oh they can't test you for this.
Now back when I smoked spice, before it was illegal in Iron county, I had heard of some idiot kids putting the spice in one of those candle heaters and purifying the synthetic THC's, this is not a good idea almost every kid ended up in the hospital with either heart failure, or erratic heart beats. This synthetic THC is over 800 times as powerful as real THC, That is why they add a little bit to some other herb like Damania. But people are concerned over whether this new designer drug, is safe or even ethical. NO god did not make this drug, but even the drugs god did make, are supposedly "unsafe" In my opinion cigarettes are not safe, but people keep buying them. If addiction is such a problem in this country why doesn't the government look at the real "bad guys"? No I have nothing against tobacco users, but I have everything against tobacco companies. At least the companies that add all that nasty tar and crap to make a cigarette with a filter. They tell people the filters help the cigarette and make them safer, but if you have ever used one of those plastic filters, you know it's not true you can see all the nasty gunk you are putting into your body.  But its the same with anything you smoke, that is another reason why I do not like smoking resin. When I first started smoking cigarettes, I did it because it got me high, not because it was like shoving my finger up the noses of my parents, or to evens stick it to my ex husband (even though thats what I said it was for). I smoked them because they gave me a euphoric high unlike anything I had yet to discover. I was 16 at the time, it was before I had officially ever tried marijuana, or even before I had gotten into my pill popper stage. To me that little cancer stick was a statement of look at me bitches, and theres nothing you can do about it. Which for those who know the legal age to smoke is 19 in Utah I could have gotten a tobacco ticket, but I didn't care. About 2 weeks into smoking I started to become immune to the feeling of euphoria I got from smoking tobacco, so I quit cold turkey just threw my pack out and said fuck it. I have picked up the dirty habit a few other times in my life, right after I got my ticket I bought a pack so as to ease my desire to kill myself slowly with smoke, but as soon as the pack was gone, I quit again. All I am saying is if spice is soo bad because man added his own little designs to it, then why aren't cigarettes? In all honestly everyone I know started smoking cigarettes, before they smoked pot. To me it appears that cigarettes are the "gateway" drug.
Spice in my eyes is not bad, it's clever. It was a way of saying "Look what you have done! You take away our rights and we will find a different way to do it!" Anyway I have to go shovel dog shit now, so keep blazing and toodles all.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How high is perfect?

So the very first time I ever got really, really high as in it felt like the only thing that mattered was in the room I was in. I was in such a zone that even talking seemed like too much work. This high was the first time I had ever gotten the giggles as I call it, where you are laughing at something that just ins't that funny, but you can't stop laughing. To me it terrified me I thought I was dying! I thought I was having an allergic reaction because it was the most intense feeling I had ever had. Funny thing is I was not high off marijuana, I was high off spice. This was also the first time I had ever smoked spice. I hated it I hated it so bad that I never wanted to smoke spice again. I had decided that I was only going to smoke spice maybe once in a great while. It took 2 hours for the spice high to wear off, my ex boyfriend at the time called it getting spiced. I will call any spice high I post on here as spiced because that is exactly what it is. I tried spice two other times after this initial spice session, every time it was the exact same scary as hell. I wasn't sure if this was what was supposed to happen or if I was having an allergic reaction. See I had smoked pot before, not many times before like maybe 4 times total, but the high was nothing like my first spice high. See my issue was I had never inhaled before, so I had never technically been "high". After I broke up with my ex spice head boyfriend I decided spice was dumb and I was going to go back to smoking pot. The first time I had actually been high on marijuana, was exactly like a spice high, I was surprised to be honest and amused. I was still scared shitless, but I was starting to enjoy myself. The reason I was so scared was because I was on my way to Vegas with someone who thought he was speed racer in the Gorge. Now for those of you who don't know what the Gorge is its an extremely winded, crazy, 55 MPH speed limit zone road with lots of cliffs and cement barriers. The Gorge scares the hell out of me when I am sober imagine going through there stoned, going 90! So my technical first marijuana high should have scared me away from ever smoking pot again, but hell I'm stubborn. That initiated the next 6 months of my life before I got busted for possession.
Now back to the original thought for this blog, how high is perfect? I want to be that first spice high, or close to it. I have never achieved this type of high with anything but Spice, or really good Kush or Kronic. This is the high I am looking for in other non man-fucked herbs. I know the only herb that will have this type of high is marijuana, but I want the public to see the stupid things I smoke in search for the cannabis like high. I want the government to say kids are so dumb they will smoke herbs that may be harmful to their health to get around marijuana laws, so that they can see that the laws are not benefiting anyone, especially the dumb youth of America who will put their health on the line just to find a state of enlightenment.

Krypto Legal Bud

Krypto Legal Bud

International Oddities says:
"Legal Cannabis or a new form of tobacco or marijuana buds online are phrases consumers use to
 try and describe our legal buds because the quality is so impressive. But just because legal smokable
 buds of such high quality can be ordered does not mean they are legally cannabis. When amazed customers
 buy legal bud they grasp for the proper language of our market because averageconsumers may only be familiar with standard tobacco or marijuana. People have inquired if our legal buds are legal cannabis or marijuana and we have to say, no. They are real International Oddities high-grade hybrid Legal Buds"

Now another interesting tid-bit of info, these legal buds were used in the making of that movie Pineapple Express. I'm not sure which ones, because there was alot of different buds on that movie. Now I have already tried the Black Widow Legal bud and I found 1 gram of krypto on ebay, so I of course ordered it instead of getting stuck with half an ounce of nasty black widow. Now there are a few bad reviews about legal bud , Now keep in mind that this article is over 10 years old, supposedly these "legal buds" are not buds at all but herbs all smushed together to look like buds. Well hell they did a hell of a good job. My mum was sure it was real cannabis when I got my package in the mail, no it doesn't smell like real weed, nor does it taste like real weed. It doesn't have the awesome sticky texture of weed either to me it feels like spice, only a better looking form of spice. Now I am unsure as to what the ingredients of this smoke are, so I will assume that IO (international Oddities) are telling the truth, which for all I know they are.
Effects of Smoking Krypto:

Ok the first time I smoked it I smoked it in my lovely purple pipe, but it wasn't a clean test because I had also smoked Hops that day, so as to make this test real and as functional as accurate as possible, I rolled myself a joint using my International oddities roller, and light up.
My first hit was not as harsh as I was expecting, I would actually rate it a 4 or so.
I took about 3 hits before I started noticing the effects, I felt droopy or just really relaxed while being almost too relaxed. Don't get me wrong the relaxation is awesome , but in a smoke I prefer to feel a happy relaxation, this is just relaxation.Like a cannabis high my eyes are zoning, but not like the melting butter zone, more I am just noticing bright colors more, and my body feels like its I am in a warp but not a deep warp, so I am high, but not as high as cannabis will get you. Its funny how bobby pins make the best last resort roach clips.

Alright about 30 minutes into my krypto high I am craving ice cream, so I am going to attempt to talk my mum into going somewhere to get ice cream. Because you should never drive under the influence of anything. Ok so this smoke does give you the munchies, but at Mcdonalds (the only place that serves ice cream this time of night here) my high wore off. So the high lasted about 40 mins off one joint. This herb did not make me horny, just hungry for ice cream. I honestly like this herb and I will smoke the last bit of gram I have, but I will not order more, instead I will try the other types of legal buds that are for sale on ebay, then see if my ebay guy can order some different types, but if not then I will just order the half ounce and sell all but 1 gram of it on ebay. Alright well I am going to go smoke the rest of my krypto and enjoy my ice cream. Toodles for now and keep blazin'


Damania aka Turnera Diffusa

Damania is a known aphrodesiac, and is said to relax the central nervious system.
In Mexico they use it in some Margaritas, and was said to be used in the "first" Margarita.
Damania is used in almost every herbal blend I have tried so far.
I first heard of Damania when I first started smoking spice, Damania is usually the main ingrediant for spice blends. Little did I know at the time that there was HU-210, aka synthetic THC in spice so I assumed it was the Damania that was getting me high. Well since I started studying why the county over from mine made it illegal, I decided to try pure unlaced Damania to see if the effects of spice are also influenced by this herb. I ordered mine from ebay:, but you can also find it in most head shops, or even some health food stores, or at The Herbal Smoke Cafe is a really good place to get some idea on what other people are smoking, but I sell things on ebay so using paypal to buy my herbs is just easier for me. And it seems alot cheaper in some cases. Ok so the link I pasted from ebay, shipped within about a week and a half.
Effects Of Damania
Ok so I used my lovely purple pipe to smoke this herb for the first time.
My first hit was really harsh to be honest I would have rated it a 6, which for anyone who has read any of my other posts, that is the highest rating I have given so far. But that 6 soon turned to awesome, it tasted exactly like spice, well duh! Ok so I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but hey most people say I'm cool, anyway I started feeling the effects within 3 hits. I felt happy and spinny I guess. This initial happy feeling turned to hyperness within 15 mins and 2 more hits. After about 15 more minutes of hyper-happiness I started to come down to a relaxed kinda horny/hungry stage. So yes this herb does make you horny and does increase sensation. It does not make food as awesome as some cannibis does, but hey it does give you an appatite. I would say I really like this herb in fact I am planning on smoking it alot more. It is currently my favorite herb. I would say yes try this herb cause it's awesome and it might get you lucky.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Bulldog

All Hail the Great Bulldog of Amsterdam!

I first purchased The Bulldog because an old family friend told me it would get me high, not unlike weed. They told me it wouldnt last as long but it was alot like weed. So I went to the local head shop in Cedar and there it was! You can find yours at
The packaging states:
"This is the herbal version of the world-renowned Bulldog coffeehouse blend. Its rich and robust flavor embodies everything important to Holland's coffeehouse experiance.
This blend may contain the following: Spearmint Leaf, Juniper Berries, Damiana, Wild Lettuce, Mad Dog Weed, California Poppy, Mugwort and Red Raspberry leaf for flavor.
Best if used before bedtime to relax the body and mind and bring forth calming dreams."
Now most of these ingrediants I have already looked up so I will go over them for you noobs.
Spearmint Leaf
Up to my knowledge this herb is just used for flavor, but I have yet to try it so I won't rule anything out.
Juniper Berries
According to Wiki This ingrediant is also used to give the smoke a robust flavor. It's used in seasoning in some countries.
This herb is a natural aphrodisiac and is known to give users an overall sense of well being.
Wild Lettuce aka Lopium aka Lettuce opium
This herb has psycoactive properties, and is a milder form of opium.
Mad Dog Weed
I am still unsure why they put this in herbal blends, there are no recorded side effects on the internet, I will probly just have to get some to find out.
California Poppy
This herb acts as a mild sedative to users.
This plant is most commonly used in witchcraft to help inhance visions, or astral projection. This plant is what is know for giving users intense dreaming experiances.
Red Rasberry Leaf
This herb is used for flavor and is a mild sadative.
Effects of Bulldog
Ok back before I used to get high every day, back before I would have ever dreamed of calling myself a pothead, this herbal blend used to get me high. Now however it just makes me feel calm and well giggly. I would rate this herb at about a 5, for harshness. This herb did give me the munchies, but did not make me horny. I felt more apt to either play video games, or just sorta zone. I don't really care for the flavor of this blend, but I have smoked worse. My mum did think it was marijuana, by the smell of it as it burned though. I honestly couldn't tell, to me it smelt more like burning spice. The high I got off this herb only lasted about, 15-20 mins off one joint. This blend did not give me a headache after it wore off though, so I was pleased with that. I would suggest this herb to any light smoker who wants to get high legally, but for those of us who are used to "the good shit" this herb does not compare. I'm sure I will smoke it again eventually, but not as my first choice.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Designed for daily mental strengthening

I first purchased Proze smoke at the local Head Shop in Cedar, I wasn't into spice yet and it was before I got really into smoking anything I could roll in a joint. To be honest the main thing that caught my attention to this herbal smoke was the packaging. Im not sure what that thing on the front is but it looks cool as all hell.
The back of the package states:
"Proze-Smoke is a mellow blend used to calm and cleanse the mind. The effects of smoking St. John's Wort vary with each person but will generally induce a mental calming. New Users should smoke one or two bowls a day for two weeks to experiance the true effects.
This holistic blend contains: St. John's Wort, Turnera Diffusa, Organic Sage, Ground Cardomom Seeds, and a touch of Spearment for flavor."
Then of course you have your warnings you know don't smoke and drive, the usual don't do too much. Just common sense stuff. So first I will look at the ingredients list.
St. John's Wort aka Hypericum perforatu
Things I have learned about St. Johns Wort are:
1. It is an Herbal treatment for Depression so does it really clarify and calm the mind...yes that is why you have to use it for two weeks for it to take full effect, anyone who has ever taken an antidepressant knows when you first start taking it, it won't kick in for at least 2-3 weeks, then for the next couple of monthes you are constantly happy, if it works properly on you that is, but eventually you start to get immune and either up the dose, or realize you don't really need it to feel happy. Most American's just up the dose and start a life long dependancy on perscreption drugs.
2. Hyperforin is a drug that was created to treat alcoholism, but studies have so far been unconclusive and more studies are being done.
3. In some cultures St. John's Wort was used to ward off evil spirits by hanging the plant near your door on St. John's Day June 24.
Turnera Diffusa aka Damiana
Ah yes my old friend Damiana, this herb is a natural aphrodisiac, and is known to give users an uplifting feeling to users
Organic Sage is used for a great many things cooking, magick, incense to name a few. so more than likely the organic sage is thrown in here for smell, to make it smell good when it burns.
Ground Cardamom Seeds
Cardamom is used as both a cooking item and in some medacines. It is said that cardamom can sooth your throat and lungs when you have turberculosis, and it helps with digestion when eaten.
So the Cardamom seeds are added to this mixter as a soothant to play down some of the other herbs when smoked and to give it a unique smoky flavor.
Spearmint for flavor it says, but I had a friend years ago that would smoke spearment to get a euphoric high. This is something I will have to test as soon as I can get my hands on some spearmint leaves.  Recent research has shown that spearmint tea may be used as a treatment for mild hirsutism in women. Its anti-androgenic properties reduce the level of free testosterone in the blood, while leaving total testosterone and DHEA unaffected.[7]
Spearmint has been studied for antifungal activity; its essential oil was found to have some antifungal activity, although less than Oregano.[8] Its essential oil did not show any evidence of mutagenicity in the Ames test.[8] Spearmint has also been described as having excellent antioxidant activity; its antioxidant activity was found to be comparable to the synthetic BHT.[9] Due both to its antioxidant activity and its common use to season lamb in Indian cuisine, it has been studied as an additive to radiation-processed lamb meat, and was found effective in delaying oxidation of fats and reducing formation of harmful substances, which can be detected using thiobarbituric acid as a reage. Ok note to self maybe I shouldn't let Duece smoke any spearmint.
Effects of Smoking Proze-smoke:
I smoked this blend in a joint, I would probably rate this herb at a 4 for harshness. It only took about 2 hits to start feeling the effects. I had a euphoric high, it was a head change where I felt enlightened and just happy. This high lasted about 30 mins because it took me about 15 mins to finish the whole joint, I was at work see so, I had to put it out at one point in time to deal with a costumer. I got a light headache after the herb had worn off completely but nothing too serious. If I were to smoke this herbal blend everyday for the next two weeks I doubt I would get any more headaches from smoking it. I did not like this herbal blend, because to me it didn't do what I wanted it to do. i would not call this herb a substitute for cannabis, but I would say that anyone feeling down should smoke this herb, its effectiveness against the mid-day "blues" works really well, and doesn't taste or smell as bad as tobacco. I might smoke this herb if ever I just need a pick me up, but I would not consider it something to relax with. When I was smoking it I got really motivated to clean things.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Buddha's Blend

For internal Journey & Spiritual Guidance

I purchased Buddha's Blend also at the local head shop in Cedar, about a year ago. I was looking for something to get high off of, without the hassle of having to find good weed. If you want to order online this is a good site:
The back of this herbal blend states:
"Buddha's Blend is a light uplifting smoke that can be used as an accompaniment to prayer or other rituals. The effects of this blend may vary with each person depending on there state of enlightenment. "Mindfulness is the aware; balanced acceptance of the present experiance."
This ancient blend of herbs may contain Lopium, Prickly poppy, California Poppy, Lion's Tail Buds, Kava Kava, Broom Flowers Magical Juniper, cardamom, Lavender, Cinnamon, Spearment, and Rosemary."
Ok so first I will look at the ingrediants of this herbal blend to see what the effects should be:
Lopuim aka Wild Lettuce or Lettuce Opium
This herb is said to have a mild phsycotropic effect much like that of opium, thus the name. Its used as a sedative and is said to have hypnotic properties.
Prickly Poppy aka argemone or as people around my parts know it Thistles only with cuter flowers.
This plant is commonly used to treat cataracts. There is not a whole lot of information on this plant, so I am unsure as to why they added it to this herbal blend. I don't know what it does on its own, so I will just have to purchase some online and find out.
California Poppy aka Eschscholzia californica
This plant acts as a mild sedative when smoked or drank in a tea.
Lion's Tail Buds aka Leonotis Leonurus or Wild Dagga
This plant has mild psycoactive properties.  It is said to have a milder high than marijuana, but its alot alike in many ways to a high like marijuana. Ok note to self get some Lions tail buds.
Kava Kava aka Piper methysticum
This plant creates a mild euphoric reaction and relaxes users. According to Wiki there are alot of adverse effects of using Kava, but but hell I didn't want to live to be 90 anyway. When I was about 13 or 14 my step mother would give me Kava Kava pills to help with PMS and mood swings. You should only use the root of this plant, becuase the leaves and stems may cause liver damage when eaten...I wonder what happens when you smoke it...
Broom Flowers aka Broom Shrub
In the early 17 and 18 centurys Wild Broom was added to salads and other foods, but health concerns arose about heart problems and pregnant women, so they no longer use it in salads, there are no recorded effects on what happens when you smoke it, so I have no idea why they added it in this mix of herbs.
Magical Juniper aka Juniper berries
Now as a child my mother always told me not to eat the funny looking blue berries, because they are not berrys at all but seeds. Uses for these "berries" are in some cultures seasoning, and in some Native American cultures actual food. So I am assuming they added this as a flavor inhancer.
Is used as a light sedative.
Is used for smell as well as flavor. And is said to give the user an overall sense of well being.
I am assuming the Cinnamon and Spearment are used to flavor the herbal mixture, as far as I know niether plant is used for anything but.
Effects of Buddha's Blend
My first hit of Buddha Blend I would probably rate as a 4, it burned but did not make me cough.
Duece rates this blend at a 4 as well.
I did not actually feel the effects of this herb until about half the joint, I would say we had about 4 hits a piece, and all of a sudden it just hit me. I had a buzz, and not like normal herb buzz but like cannibis buzz. It was the high before the high type of feeling. I did not get the munchies, nor did I get horny. I was so excited that I got buzzed off of this nasty tasting herb, I really didn't pay attention to any hungry emotions or anything like that. 
Duece did get horny, but did not get the munchies.
The high we had off of this blend lasted about 15-16 minutes, then I got a headache, and Duece felt like he hadn't smoked anything at all.
I did like this herb, but I would not smoke it again, mainly because the headache I got off of this blend was not worth the 15 minute high.
Duece Likes this herb and would smoke it again, he enjoyed it very much.
I would recommend this herb to anyone who wants to just relax and do some inner thinking.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Black Widow Legal Bud

So when I first started this blog and my quest for  an amazing cannibus like high, I remembered reading in High Times once about this stuff called legal bud. I googled it of course to find that only one site online sold "real" legal bud. That site is International Oddities.
On this site I was given way too many choices for the different types of legal buds they offer. One well two in particular caught my eye, White Rhino and Black Widow. I wanted both but I only had enough money in my account for one, so I flipped a coin. As you can see it was tails so, I purchased Black Widow.
They shipped me my legal bud crazy fast, like I didn't expect to see it for at least 2 weeks, I saw it within one week. I was very excited, just ask Duece I made him carry around the package guarding it with his life. I know it sounds drastic, but if you look at some of the legal buds on that site, they look like real weed. I am still on probation, so if anyone mistook Black Widow for real weed, I was screwed.
So after going to the local game shop and renting Halo ODST, we headed home for some blazing. Upon opening my package I found a sample for Black O, a popular smoke in the 60's, to me it looked like a dab of  resin. I am not honestly a huge fan of smoking resin, but I will give it a try, because eventually I will run out of stuff to smoke. I also found rolling paper, pure hemp, and a roller. Now I still have no idea how to use that thing, but mum promises to teach me one of these days. Now the first thing I did was smell the Black Widow

To me it smelt like black tea herbs. Now according to the little insert I got with my tube of Black Widow, this herb has a lot of resin giving it a black appearance....Lovely, as I have mentioned earlier I dislike smoking resin:
1. I don't like the flavor, to me it tastes dirty
2. I have never really gotten all that high while smoking resin, to me you smoke resin because you don't have anything else to smoke so as a last desperate thing, you scrap your pipe and try smoking the gunk that is filtered out of your herb.
3.It reminds me of meth, the way it boils when you smoke it, and it almost always burns my lips or tongue.
Maybe I'm not doing it right, maybe I'm just smoking the wrong type of resin, or you have to add something to it to make it awesome, I really don't know but I will just stick to smoking nothing if all I have left is resign to smoke.
Now since this herb has come with rolling papers, I will roll it in a joint, and try it in my pipe. This stuff is sticky to the touch, now if you know anything you know sticky is usually good, but DO NOT lick your fingers after handling this herb, it tastes as bad as it smells. My first impression when I took my first hit of Black Widow was, oh did I hit it right? It did not burn the first time, but it did burn the second time. Now when I say burn I mean in my lungs not with the lighter. Duece and I passed the pipe back and forth for about maybe 4 or 5 passes. Duece said he felt a little dizzy, but he was not high. I on the other hand was just frustrated, because the herb had gunked up my pipe, I still have that first bowl stuck in there, the resin of course melted and made a large lump of black goo, most people would continue to smoke this lump of goo, but I do not like goo, so I decided to attempt to roll a joint. After a few tries I got the joint to roll and started smoking my first Black Widow Joint, I started to feel dizzy, but still nothing like smoking cannibus, Duece on the other hand was completely trashed, he could not stand up or walk all he could do was sit there and kinda drool. I had a good laugh, after about 3 joints I gave up on Black Widow, and went to play some Halo.
Some Major effects that I noticed while smoking Black Widow are:
1. it does make you cough and if you get bronchitics easily don't smoke this herb, I had googie throat the next morning
2. This herb made me horny but it made Duece unable to get it up. Poor Duecey, this herb is not good for men with low self esteem, but will always put the woman in the "mood"
3. I did not get the munchies, neither did Duece.
4. The High that I got off this herb ended in a headache, the high Duece got off this herb lasted a good 30 mins before he could actually stand up and go to the bathroom. If you are a "lightweight" go potty before starting to smoke this herb. He still stumbled around for at least another hour, before I let him smoke any more.
5. This herb effects everyone differently, what gets one person high, does not always get every person high.
6. This herb is best smoked in a joint or blunt, it gunks up pipes.
This herb is legal in almost all the states of the United states, but International Oddities will ship to every state within the United States, and will also ship internationally.
As I order more of their products I will post them in my Legal Buds folders. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to either send my an email, or leave it in the comments.
Toodles for now and Keep Blazing.

Updated Knowledge on Salvia

So I get paid every two weeks, and that is when I get my new herbs, well yesterday I went to the local smoke shop in Cedar, and attempted to purchase some "more" Salvia Divinorum. I found out yesterday that the smoke shop will not sell real Salvia to anyone under the age of 21. So the crap I was smoking when I thought I was smoking salvia, is more than likely just organic sage. That is why it had no effect on myself, my dog, or Duece. So now that I have this new knowledge its time to either send Duece in to buy it, or just get it off the internet. More than likely I will just get it off the internet.
In other news I got my shipments of Krypto legal bud, and Damiana today in the mail. So come Monday or even Sunday there will be new postings on at least one of them. Probably the Krypto it looks like real weed, so my mouth is just watering to try it.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sativah Herbal Blend


A potent Blend of herbs to expand the conscience
When I first purchased Sativah I honestly thought I was purchasing Salvia Divinorum. A few of my friends refused to try it at the time because they also thought it was Salvia. I bought mine at the local head shop in Cedar, but you can get yours at
The packaging States:
"Sativah contains herbs in concentration known to promote incredibly vivid dreams and inspire the imagination. New Users should smoke one bowl three days in a row to experience the full effects of Sativah. Best results if used before bedtime. God Spared Onze Koningin.
This blend may contain: Lettuce Opium, Mad dog weed, Egyption Mugwort, Passionflower, Hops, Strobiles, Mixed Chamomile, Damiana, Rapsberry and Spearmint for flavor"
I will first look at the herbs contained in this blend:
Lettuce Opium aka Lopium aka Wild Lettuce

This herb is said to have a mild psychotropic effect much like that of opium, thus the name. Its used as a sedative and is said to have hypnotic properties.

Mad Dog Weed aka Alisma plantago-aquatic
This plant is used in medicines to help with overactive bladder problems and issues with access sweat. There is nothing recorded as to what happens when you smoke this plant.
Egyptian Mugwort aka Artemisia vulgaris
This plant is most commonly used in witchcraft to help enhance visions, or astral projection. This plant is what is know for giving users intense dreaming experiences.
Passionflower aka Passiflora aka Passion Vines
This flower is said to cause a passionate innuendo, although the flower was named passion flower because of the unique cross shape of the flowers symbolizing the passion of Christ.
Hops aka Humulus
Hops are in the same family as Cannabis aka Marijuana.
There are many people who love smoking Hops, as a legal alternative to weed. I will now order me some online to see what these hops are all about.
Now a Strobile is just a part of a plant like a "cone" on the stems. So what plant do these strobilus come from?
Mixed Chamomile
This herb is most commonly used in Teas to help promote sleep and reduce stress.
This herb is a known aphrodisiac and is known to help relax muscles.
This herb is said to give the user an overall sense of calm and to add flavor.
This herb is simply a flavor enhancer in this herbal blend.
The Effects of Sativah 
Since I have already smoked most of the baggie of this herb I will only smoke one joint to record the feelings myself and Duece receive after smoking it.
Ok we will start with our herbal questioner:
What method are you using to smoke this herb?
Hand rolled joint.
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst, how bad did it burn when you took the initial hit?
Amber: I would give this herbal blend a 4 on harshness to the throat and lungs.
Duece: Gives this blend a 2.
How many hits did it take for you to start feeling any effects?
Both Duece and I started feeling the effects after two normal hits.
In two to three words describe how the herb is making you feel
Amber: I felt light and happy.
Duece: Felt relaxed and at ease
Are you feeling horny at all?
Neither Duece nor I felt Horny after smoking this herb
Do you have the Munchies?
Neither Duece nor I got the munchies after smoking this blend.
Do you like this herb?
Both Duece and I liked this blend
Would you smoke it again?
Amber: No, it gives me an at ease feeling but does not get me to that state of hightened awareness that I want to achieve.
Duece: Yes I feel like I could smoke this blend whenever I got stressed out.
Would you suggest this herb to anyone to try?
Amber: Yes, it’s a great relaxant, but it does not get me high.
Duece: Yes, it’s a great blend, good flavor.

This Blend has a very robust flavor but is a light smoke, it gives off the aroma of cinnamon when burned, I like the smell of it, its very pleasing to the senses, but like I said it does not get me high like cannabis. This is a great herbal blend for stress relief, or just to relax with, but it is not a good substitute for marijuana.
Here are some links to some other peoples reveiws who smoked Sativah: